A Different Spirit Radio


A Drug Addict Went To Church To Pick A Fight, But Miraculously Encounters Jesus Instead

A drug addict wearing a backpack full of drugs went to church to hurt the Pastor’s son, but he miraculously encountered Jesus.

A Drug Addict

Founder and President of Burning Ones, Michael Dow, shared his testimony about how Jesus encountered Him. He was a drug addict, living a hard-core life, having already been arrested 15 times. He was lost, hopeless, and broken.

For months, there would be days when he would look up at the skies and wonder if God existed. But deep inside, he knew that if God was out there, He was the only one who could change him. He acknowledged that he was trapped and could not free himself. But he kept everything inside because he could not share this truth with the people around him.

One Sunday night, October 6, 2002, he went to a church with a backpack full of drugs. He was trying to fight one of the Pastor’s son. “Most people go to church because they’re looking to fix those issues in their life…but I was actually there trying to hurt…someone who claimed to be close to God,” he recalled.

He Miraculously Encounters Jesus

That memorable night, in a little church in Central Florida, he had an encounter with Jesus Christ. And that moment changed his life. “I think my heart was ready for God. I just didn’t know it, but God knew it,” he testified. Moreover, he also shared about how God healed him from an incurable disease.

Five years before he met Jesus, he discovered that he had a disease called Herpes. It was a transmittable disease that could potentially affect his future family. Because of this, he needed to take pills to prevent further complications. But God never left him. He did a miracle in his life.

Healed From An Incurable Disease

Three months after he encountered Jesus, he responded to an altar call in a Sunday service. Then, he felt as if someone dumped a hot bucket of water on his head, and it rushed down over his body. “From that moment forward, the blood of Jesus did for me in a moment what science has not been able to do for anybody,” he highlighted.

For a span of three months, he encountered Jesus. He was set free from drug addictions and was healed from an incurable disease. On top of that, he ended up marrying the Pastor’s daughter years later, and they had four beautiful children.

Watch his full testimony here.

Reference: GODTV

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